Definition of talent
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Describes what talent is, why it is needed, how to determine it and what the consequences would be
For complete personal development, it is important to determine its main aspect - direction, as early as possible.
If a person chose the wrong direction of development, for example, to do anything just to make money, then sooner or later he will fall into depression, because his activities will only lead to frustration and stress, and the results will not meet his expectations. Ultimately, the person will have to change his direction to become happier and get pleasure from his affairs and their results.
In order to know in which direction one must develop, it is necessary to determine one’s own talent.
Talent is a unique set of features of a system that are generated when the system is created and define the subject area and specialization in which the system must engage in activities to develop and bring the greatest benefit for the super-system, by realizing its destination.
Every person has talent right from the moment of birth. It is a kind of "seed" from which successful and useful person must grow. But in order to become a person, one must work hard - "success is 10% talent and 90% labor." This forms one of the signs of talent: an affair that can be engaged in for long, successfully and without any compulsions corresponds to talent.
In order to find such an affair, one needs to gain experience in different subject areas. It can help you in determining what works out the best, what gives you more satisfaction, what brings more benefits for people.
Subject area is a group of systems that have specific relationships with each other to interact with and obey the same laws.
Each subject area uses certain terms, in which specific processes occur and which are subject to specific laws. For example, mathematics, physics, sports, politics, art, economics etc. The subject area considers the environment in one specific aspect and solves specific problems in it.
In order to know what exactly can help in performing affairs more efficiently and successfully, one needs to determine the specialization in the subject area.
Specialization is a set of tools that are used to change certain signs of the system with optimal efficiency and success.
It determines the methods and instruments that a person can use to improve personal efficiency and bring maximum benefit in a certain subject area.
In some countries, there are traditions on how to determine the child's talent. For example, in India, various items such as books, money, weapons are laid out before the baby. Whatever the baby crawls towards and starts playing with, determines the sphere of his activity in the future.
Ironically, in many modern systems of education, absurd situations arise: excellent grades in all the subjects are demanded from the child. This is absolutely wrong because man cannot be well versed in all things. Every person should specialize in one subject area. Therefore, it is wrong to expect success in everything from a child, and moreover, scold him for failure in a particular subject.
Some people believe that a person has multiple talents. However, they are wrong. Man has only one talent, but the ways of its manifestation - are several. By observing how a person achieves success in different areas, people make the mistaken assumption that he has multiple talents. But, in fact, he simply realizes it in several different ways.
Assistants in the search for talent
Although a person does not know his talent initially, but he has certain assistants, which provide answers to absolutely any question.
The main assistant is desire.
Desire is a possible goal of the system that it can achieve or not by taking an independent decision, having satisfied all the needs and taking appropriate actions.
They are divided into two main types:
- to have: for satisfying personal needs, for example, to buy a house, car, boat, travel in other countries ...
- to be able to: for satisfying the needs of the environment, for example, to become a doctor, writer, lawyer, organize a company or build a school ...
Moreover, the desires “to have" are usually performed only after the fulfillment of desires "to can". That is, a person cannot, for example, buy a house without becoming useful for the society, for example, as a writer. Then he will be able to create products (books) that are required by the society, and the society would itself give to the person the required means to purchase houses, by buying these products.
The main generator of desires is observing success of other people. For example, watching a report about a famous scientist, who had made an important discovery, on the TV. If these people have the same talent and are doing the right thing, people begin to admire these people, want to become just like them and do the same things.
By imagining oneself in the place of these people, a person gains emotions. Some of these can cause joy, euphoria, and even tears. Others may disappoint because of frustration that the person is now engaged in something that he does not want to be engaged in. Such emotions provide signals that these activities correspond to his talent.
Another good assistant is personal experience. It can tell you what kind of things brought pleasure and joy, what could you be engaged in for long and without any compulsion, which methods and instruments turned out to be easy to use. In order to gain experience, one needs to try to achieve goals in different areas and determine where it was easier to achieve success and bring significant benefits to others.
A set of desires such as "to be able to" and affairs that bring pleasure, is called propensity. These help in determining the area in which the person will get the greatest amount of satisfaction from his work and its results would be very useful to the environment.
As strange as it may seem, many people do not try to determine their true talent because of fear. They fear that they would not match it, they will not be able to solve problems and achieve success.
The main causes of such fears are self-doubt and social stereotypes, which assert that talent does not help in making money, or that its implementation needs a lot of money and contacts. And this is a complete lie because such stereotypes have been created by people who could not find their talent and did not become happier.
Fears are also aides in the process of determining talent. After all, when you experience fear of something new, something that is not dangerous, it means that you have found something big, worthwhile and useful. Then the person will need courage to overcome it and fulfill his own desire.
So, the main assistants in the search for talent are desires, emotions, experience, and fear. One must use them to determine his talents by following the method described below.
The method for definition of talent
It is based on concentration on the inner thoughts and emotions that are generated by the sub consciousness and which act as a signal of getting nearer to the correct answer. One must listen to them and materialize them. For this, one requires a paper and a pen, a laptop or computer would be even better. Also required is an isolated, relaxed atmosphere, so that no one could interfere and there is no distraction.
The first step is the materialization of all propensities. Write down the question "What are my propensities?”, focus on your inner world and note down absolutely any response that occurs in the head.
It may take a long time, but do not stop until you materialize everything that comes to your mind. For this, one would need a good self-discipline.
The result should be a wish list of "to be able to" and affairs that one likes to engage in or which one would like to try to do. Propensities must be such that you can use them for the benefit of others and not for yourself. They must relate to a specific subject area, profession, education, personal qualities etc.
Further, you need to focus on emotions. Slowly go through the list of propensities and imagine how you are getting engaged in these. Some items will cause something strange inside you, mainly in the chest; it will begin to shrink and you will find it harder to breathe. This is an indication that this particular propensity is linked with talent. Write them down in a separate list of "Propensities with emotions”.
Further, you need to combine the resulting list into one single unit. It is necessary to find the relationship between individual items and to articulate what they have in common. Some items will complement each other, while some will depend on each other. A chain would be obtained, which cannot exist without any one of the links.
Perhaps, this is the hardest part of the method and one would have to think twice about it. It might not work out the first time. If so, take a break of 1-2 days. Then check the results of previous steps and once again try to get a coherent articulation. In order to confirm your propensities, you can ask yourself these questions: what kind of affairs are required to be performed for this, what information would you have to process, which abilities and skills would be required for this? This should help to better understand the propensities and find a connection between them.
The result of combination of propensities that cause emotions, into a single system, would be the formulation of personal talent. It may consist of several abilities (to organize, manage, control ...) and subject areas that will complement each other. Write down on a piece of paper "My talent" and follow it up with the resulting formulation.
Finally, you need to make a list of means that can help you realize your talent. These may be one or more professions, subject areas, methods, instruments etc. Write them down in the list of "Means of realization of talent". This is what gives the direction in which one must develop. Determine the importance of each of the obtained items, for example, on a 10-point scale, and start your personal development with the most important items.
The consequences of the definition of talent
By defining the talent, a person has the clarity of what he must do, what to be engaged in every day and for what to wake up in the morning.
The knowledge of talent helps in the professional orientation of a person, something that is a problem at present for schools. Man, after graduating from school or even college, does not know what to do further in life. He rushes from one job to another, from one company to another. Having received no satisfaction from one affair, he moves to another. But by knowing his talent, the person would know exactly what he must do, which work to perform, what position to occupy.
To make the talent in demand and obtain the necessary resources for realizing it, a person must sell it properly. One must be able to articulate the benefits that the talent can bring, for example, benefit to a particular company by working in it. But usually good specialists believe that their benefits are clear as they are. And this is their fault. One must be able to “pack and present" the talent, or people would simply not cooperate with this person. By inculcating such a skill, one could not only enjoy his work, but also receive generous financial rewards. Such a work will become a highly paid hobby.
By defining talent and beginning to actively realize it, the person will start achieving significant success, which will bring great benefit to the world around him. Then the main thing for a man would be not to fall into the trap - not to get infected with stardom. It manifests itself in those moments when a person is required to perform less important, but necessary affairs, for example, to organize affairs in the corporate system, compile a report, hold a seminar etc. In such situations, the person will simply refuse to comply with them or would perform them very poorly, arguing for the uselessness of this affair for him personally. However, such work may be necessary for the organization, in which he realizes his talent and which gives him the required resources. Such behavior is unacceptable because people could simply stop cooperating with such a talented but irresponsible man and he may lose the contacts and resources that he needs for self-realization.
In order to develop the talent, it is necessary to acquire experience in one’s respective subject areas. To do this, one can study literature on his own, attend courses or obtain education in this direction. Further, one needs to apply this experience to achieve the goals, increase personal effectiveness and success and the fulfillment of creative activity. Ultimately, one must create something grand that would be of great benefit to the world.
By developing talent, a person will be able to fulfill his desires such as "to can", which satisfy the needs of the world. Then he can move on to fulfilling the desires of "to have", which satisfy his personal needs. This will make it even more happy and successful, and create comfortable conditions for his life and future development.
When a person develops his talent to 100% and creates something great for the environment, he is called a genius. It is then that he gets great social privileges, forever remains in history and serves as an example for the future generations.
For complete development, a person needs to know not only the starting point - the talent, but the final - destination. In order to know it, one must learn the method Definition of destination.
Develop only your strengths and do not pay attention to the weaknesses.
Man cannot be good at everything, but he can be a genius in only one particular area.
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