Support for the project

Thank you for your interest in our project!
We sincerely hope that our methods, trainings, encyclopedia, services and other materials have been able to help you.
We ask you to support the development of the site to make it even more useful for people involved in personal development.
How can you support us?

The simplest but most effective way to support - is to tell your friends about us.
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Add your own ideas or let us know of problems by clicking on the "Feedback" button on the right side of the page
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Links to the site:
Let us know the address of the page where you left the link and the address of your personal page in our community through e-mail and in return, we will increase your ranking Backer
Finance us

Technical support of the website, development of free services, writing of methods and encyclopedias and the translation of the site, all these require financial resources. If you could send us a small amount (at least $10), it would help us accelerate the development of the site and make it better and useful.
You can support us financially by making electronic transfers through the following payment systems:
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Thank you!
Thank you for any support provided! You can leave your suggestions, questions and opinions in the comments below.
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