Problems solving
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Intended for understanding the problems and skill acquisition to solve them
One can hear these phrases every day: "need to solve the problem," "we have problems", "help me with the problem" etc. But seldom one can even hear the phrase "it's not a problem for me". If you are the one who utters this phrase, you can certainly feel proud of yourself. After all, it means that you can do something that others cannot.
What is required for you to say is - "it's not a problem for me".
First you need to understand what is meant by the word problem.
Let's say the car needs to be repaired.
For most people who did not take a course on auto-mechanics, it will be a problem. But for those who have studied this and have already repaired a car - it would be a simple task.
What is the difference between the first and the second group of people? It's very simple - experience.
If the first group of people starts seeking information about the structure of cars, the possible breakdowns, the methods and the instruments for repair work, it will cease to be a problem for them, and will become a goal.
What is a problem?
We live in a system (ENVIRONMENT), which consists of subsystems and elements, continuously interacting with each other and have a definite destination.
Each person (YOU) is also an element of the system and possesses information (knowledge) about only very few other elements.
Each element has behavior (internal model), signs (size, color etc.), links, which it uses to communicate with other elements, and destination.
Knowing an element or understanding an element - means understanding its behavior, knowing all the signs, links and destination.
Also, in order to interact with other systems, the system needs abilities that allow it to influence the other systems by utilizing its personal resources. If these abilities do not exist, it is also a problem.
Problem is when a system lacks information about another system (knowledge) or when it lacks the capabilities to exert influence (abilities).
To solve a problem means to understand the structure of the system that presents as a problem and to have the opportunity to influence it.
In fact, there are no problems in the world - the problems are in the heads. Problems arise only for man, for example, when he is asked to do something, but he does not know how to do it. But there is always someone who knows how to do it ("I do not know how to earn lots of money" - talk about it with a rich man, a poor man cannot help you with this question).
It may seem a problem to someone - creating something new, something that does not exist in our world. But in fact it is not a problem - it's a chance to do something unique and useful, a chance that you must grab with both hands.
Problem solving is an integral part of personal development. By solving the problem, you get the opportunity to achieve the set goal and realize your personal destination.
The methods of solving problems
Search of information
Man has solved a lot of problems in the course of his history - made many discoveries about the world. And he materialized the results of these findings on external media (stone, papyrus, paper, computer etc.)
Therefore, while solving a problem, one can search information about the required element from these sources. If this particular problem has been already solved and described in one of the sources, it is enough just to study this information.
Internet will be very useful in this. It plays the role of a global knowledge bank of the entire mankind.
There are a lot of expert people around a person, who have already solved the problems that he faces now. And they can share information on how to solve this problem.
Experts can help you for free (friends, relatives, colleagues) or for mutual assistance - you helping them in solving their problems. Or one has to buy the service (to give a car for servicing in a service center).
If the information about the problem is not found and no one has solved it yet, it is necessary to carry out research. Man has made the vast majority of his discoveries empirically – by observing the object and its interaction with other objects.
It is necessary to understand the causes of the problem, what prevents it from being solved, what might help in solving it.
When the Indians go fishing, they look for gulls, not fish. This means that while investigating a problem, it is necessary to look for the influence that it exerts on other elements of the system.
Generation of ideas
During the course of the study, it is important to understand how the element is made up and how it interacts with other elements. This requires ideas.
For the generation of ideas, it is necessary to obtain all the possible information about the element and provide some time to the sub consciousness for processing it and generating an idea.
While this information gets processed, it is better to get engaged in another affair or start solving another problem, and later come back to this problem.
It is necessary to materialize the entire information received while solving a problem. This provides a visual representation of the problem, which simplifies the analysis and search for solutions.
For solving most problems, the ideal tool for materialization is the technique of mental maps. It corresponds to the natural human thought, which is characterized by association and hierarchy.
You will not forget the materialized information for sure and this speeds up problem solving. After all, there is no need to constantly remember something about the problem; you can just look at the piece of paper.
Some people wait for problems to get solved on their own, without them having to get involved. It does happen sometimes, but most probably, such a problem will appear again, and sooner or later, one would have to solve it.
Therefore, one cannot wait for a problem to get solved by itself; one needs to act on it.
This would require such a quality as proactivity. It allows you to use your will power, self-consciousness, imagination and conscience in order to make the right decisions and perform all necessary actions for solving the problem.
One needs to constantly develop proactivity; by doing so, the solution of problems will occupy even lesser time.
To go beyond the way
There are many ways of solving any given problem. Therefore, even if it seems that a solution has been found, it is still better to seek the advice of experts, who can suggest other ways to solve it, perhaps more effective ones.
The benefits of solving problems
The solution of problems expands the understanding of the problems of the world – you gain information about new elements of the system, their interaction and destination. This information complements the paradigm of man - a personal "map" of the world that helps in navigating through it and achieving goals and realizing oneself.
The solution of extraordinarily large problems can lead to a paradigm shift, personal and of the entire society. Such solutions include, for example, the discovery of the heliocentric system of the world, Newton’s laws of mechanics, Einstein’s theory of relativity, Darwin's theory of evolution etc.
By solving the problem, people acquire new knowledge and abilities, which can be developed into skill and further into competence. This increases the level of personal development, makes a person more experienced, wise and useful.
Do not be afraid of problems; solve them bravely
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