Нечаева Вероника Join to make friends with this member or send a message Hide ads Profile FriendsAchievements First name:Вероника Second name:МихайловнаLast name:НечаеваSex:femalePlace of birth:Россия, РодникиLiving in:Россия, ФурмановWork:ООО "ПДК", Региональный менеджерProfile is filled to: 84% Joined:17.03.2022 Last visit was:26.07.2023 09:17:22 Мамышев Владимир Send message Михаил Send message RatingScoresPlace Award Best560120Task person252548ExperiencedFriendly20015BeginnerProfile84036ProfessionalActive-30103257 Like it? Tell your friends Useful And give your opinion about it Do you think that this project useful? Tell your friends about us Useful Join us Name*: E-mail*: Example*: JOIN US If you are already joinLOGIN Hide ads Ads Hide ads